
Let me take you on a journey, open up your mind Where truth and fiction blur, secrets you might find. Conspiracy theories, in the shadows they reside Questioning the narratives, take a wild ride Some say was the moon landing was fake. staged to win space race What about JFK, President assassinated, I heard it was the Mob And the CIA That's what happens when the powers that be, don't get they way Cancel culture dictates the narrative, so watch what you say How can a plane bring down a whole building, should I even mention WTC #7 Maybe it was a demolition, maybe it was the devils mission Was it because the day before the Pentagon was missing 2.3 trillion Now the government can listen thanks to the Freedom Act of 9/11 Some say the facts are hidden, some say the truths are forbidden Somebody take of his mask, that's a fake Joe Bidden Conspiracy theories, whispers in the dark Unraveling the secrets, leaving a mark Open up your eyes, see beyond the lies In the world of mysteries, where the truth defies Conspiracy theories, whispers in the dark Unraveling the secrets, leaving a mark Open up your eyes, see beyond the lies In the world of mysteries, where the truth defies Did 2PAC die from the bullet of a Crip or was it an Illuminati Hit Did Jay or Puff have anything to do with it Speaking of which what happened to Irv, Suge and J.Prince Independently distributing rap music Did gangster rap inflate prisons? So label heads could get a turn on investment Why Kanye act so different after being labeled anti-Semitic Did he get cloned, I read it on reddit, follow the white rabbit Wherever he go, don't look up Government cover-ups, shrouded in history. Area 51, Roswell's mystery, Nazi zombies, questions remain In this conspiracy game, it's a different terrain Ancient aliens, pyramids in the past Time travelers, anomalies that last Theories weaving tales, like a cipher's code So here we are, in the realm of the unknown Conspiracy theories, whispers in the dark Unraveling the secrets, leaving a mark Open up your eyes, see beyond the lies In the world of mysteries, where the truth defies Conspiracy theories, whispers in the dark Unraveling the secrets, leaving a mark Open up your eyes, see beyond the lies In the world of mysteries, where the truth defies
Writer(s): Clem Mojica Lyrics powered by